Friday, October 31, 2008

Mastersingers Chorus

So I've done it again... gotten myself into another commitment. But this is a keeper, and I only practice once a week--much better than rehearsing every night! I had my first concert a couple weeks ago with the San Antonio Mastersingers, accompanied by the San Antonio Symphony. Can I say I about wanted to cry for not being in the symphony... but that's what I get for being too embarrassed to continue with orchestra in HS. They all have sores on their necks and I KNOW I never practiced that much. We sang Brahm's Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny) in German-- so cool. Though our dresses are perfect for Halloween, I enjoyed being a part of this cultured event.

We performed at the Majestic Theater, and it was so neat to walk around the maze backstage/underground, and see the hallways painted with Broadway show titles (by the touring casts) with signatures of those that get to perform there. Ben brought Abby and Olivia the first night, and Abby was infatuated with "the castle" aka inside of the theater. I swore I heard a little "where's mommy" before it started up. Good times though.

I'm a little partial to that one :)

Every year they perform the Handel's Messiah with the Symphony for the Christmas concert but I'll miss it this year since we'll be in Europe all of Dec. BUT what I do get to be apart of, is Andrea Bocelli's concert Thanksgiving week. I'm so excited. We are singing an Italian Opera (concert style), Caverella Rustica, where Bocelli obviously is the Meistro soloist. (He's the tenor who is blind and sings "Time to Say Goodbye" if that helps.) So that's why this group is a keeper. Next season they're off to Italy for a concert so I hope to go with them if I'm able to. Can't turn back the clock and do music in college like I now wish I did, but this sure feels like I'm getting a second chance. :) --Especially since we practice at the Recital Hall on campus at UTSA. Anyway, cheers to culture!


melissa said...

Congrats, Mary! Way fun. I've never done anything that cool.
When do you try out for American Idol?

Fun to see you guys a few weekends ago.

Abs said...

Wow Mary! You are so talented! I think it's great that you take time out of your life as a mom to do something for you. Abby and Olivia are getting so big. They look so cute in you UT picts. I hope that all is going well for the Morrow's!

Joey said...


Joey said...


Ash said...

Oh man...I have been thinking the same thing about a girls, me, anne-marie, Zeffy and whoever else would like to come! We HAVE to do it. We could go to Fredricksburg, Austin or maybe a Dude Ranch in Colorado or something! Lets start planning!

I loved your note about Abby missing Isaac. He really misses her too. He says to me somewhat regularly that he wants to see Abby, Samuel and ELLY!

Tracy said...

Hey Mary! That's so great that you joined a chorale group--I actually just got back into the Colorado Mormon Chorale myself and I'm lovin' it--especially since we're now practicing music for our Christmas concerts! But we're not doing any of that fancy-shmancy italian music...;o) Good for you, Girl. I think its so great that you're getting involved in plays and music and all that jazz--its good for ya!

Kristin said...

Congrats Mary! I hope I get to see you perform one of these days.

J & K Shapiro said...

Congratulations Mary! I'm not surprised though, you have such a beautiful voice!!
P.S. love the music you having playing.

Tanner Family said...

Mary, should I be offended that everyone you know is posted on your friends blogs except mine?

Your sister, the one you have known longer than any of those other people.

The Harrises said...

Man! You go girl! I have always been so impressed by your go get 'em personality! Will you be famous, so I can claim you?