Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Abigail Louisa, the 4 year old

Abby, on her birthday...

was woken up by her family singing "Happy Birthday" and opened presents in bed (thanks, Marbles, for that tradition)

    test rode her new bike before breakfast

    played all day with her new Polly Pocket ballerina set

    had a pizza party with friends at Chuck E. Cheese's AND had a "pizza" b-day cake


Tanner Family said...

Quite Cute! How did you get the cutestblog website to work? I couldn't figure it out.

Kristin said...

Happy Birthday Abigail The Wheeza! I hope you had a great day princess!!!

Linda said...

I think those are the two cutest little red headed girls ever. I'm glad you are blogging. It is fun to read!!!