Friday, January 15, 2010

January Business

First item of business, OLIVIA underwent her second eye-muscle surgery and the surgeon was quite pleased with the outcome! Previously, both eyes would drift outwards. The ophthalmologists measured the amount of drifting at each visit, and used that number to determine how far back to reattach her muscle on the side of her eyeballs (loosening up it's grip to prevent drifting). Surgery is AMAZING! How they figure this stuff out, I'll never know. Had they done too much, they would cause her to be cross-eyed. He said she was right on, thankfully. I'm grateful that Olivia could be a beneficiary of such a service!

Second item of business... WHERE IS THE SUN AND WARMTH?! Hello, this is Texas! Well we did catch a little break and enjoyed the park together. But we're ready for the 70 degree weather that's headed our way next week. Thank you Martin Luther King, Jr! We're headed to the zoo. (That sounded trite-- Abby learned a lot about Martin Luther King, Jr. and doesn't understand a world that would judge based on skin color. She listed people in her class that would be in another school if things had not changed, and it saddened her. She asked a lot of questions about segregation and understands it all quite well (for a 5 year old)!)

Third item of business... Gavin at 4 months. I'm bad at posting new pictures of him, so here are a couple of him playing.

This picture is when he was still 3 months. The kid likes to eat! I wish sleep were on that list too!


Abs said...

Wow! You have been so busy. Gavin is such a cutie! I would love to get my hands on him. Thanks goodness that Olivia's eye surgery went well. She must be such a little trooper. It is so crazy that Abby is getting so old. Asking about Martin Luther King Jr. Day? That takes some serious pondering for a kindergartener. We were thinking about you guys that other day and missing the good old times we had in Hershey hanging out...

e said...

Sweet deal on Olivia's surgery, she is just prettier than ever these days. Our phone has been working for quite a while now, but we were in Nova Scotia for a while and now I surprised my mom and came to Utah, so I'll be here until the 24th! Talk to you guys soon!

Darla said...

Look at that kid holding his own bottle at 3 months!! That's pretty amazing...seriously. (;